Appointments for Growth
Appointments for Growth I recently learned how significant the term “date,” is. It is a word that can get very lost in our brains as spending time together, but over this past week I have found it more and more similar to the word “appointment.” The way people consider dating today could use some work. The term now is used to tell people that two people are spending time together. But there should be a difference between spending time around one another and time spent intentionally with a purpose. When two people spend a lot of time in the same space as each other, it is very easy to feel more connected to that person and that is a wonderful thing. I love special times when I can spend time with special people in my life just breathing the same air. In a way, it shows me that they care and that they are there with me even when we are not doing the same thing. It makes me think that they will be there with me even when we aren’t in the same place. But it builds a...